Invitation to conference and call for papers

Sustainable Companies: We Make it Happen, 5-6 December 2013

The Sustainable Companies Project has as its goal to contribute to an improved integration of environmental concerns into the decision-making of companies. At our final conference in Oslo on 5-6 December 2013 we will present our research-based reform proposals. At the conference we aim to bring together academics, policymakers, businesses and NGOs, students and the general public for inspiring and forward-looking discussions. Join us for this event!

Would you like to be there for this inspiring event and have the opportunity to contribute to the reform discussions? Register for the conference here. The registration fee at NOK 750 (approx. EURO 94) with a reduced price of NOK 250 (approx. EURO 31) for students covers conference material including access to all working papers to be presented at the conference, lunch both days and a drinks reception after the second conference day.

Would you like to present a paper that could be one of the jigsaw puzzle pieces of sustainability? Respond to the call for papers here. The conference fee is waived for all speakers, as well as for all members of the Sustainable Companies Project.

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